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Android textview displays text to the user and also allow to edit and android textview is complete text editor.
Android Button represents a push-button.There are many type of buttons toggle button, Radio button, CompoundButton etc.
Android Edittext can be used to retrieve text data from user.edittext displays empty textfield which a user can enter the required text and this text is further used inside our application
Android checkbox have two state checked and unchecked. Android checkbox allows the user to select multiple items, each checkbox manage separately and you must put onClickListener for every checkbox.
RadioButton is a two states button which is either checked or unchecked. Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. Once a radio button is checked, it cannot be marked as unchecked by user. all of the radio buttons are unchecked. The radio group can be cleared to remove the checked state.
Android AlertDialog is used to display message with OK and Cancel buttons. It can be ask user to continue or discontinue process.
Spinner is drop-down list. it contains multiple options among one option. spinner gives multiple choice. spinner is used most probably in registration form or any other forms. you need to choose one options into multiple choice.
Autocompletetextview is completes the reserved words no need to write all characters. Autocompletetextview is a editable text field. it display list of suggestions in dropdown. which user select only one value. user need to right only one ot two character to find the words.
Android Ratingbar can be used to get the rating from the user.The rating return number points..i may be 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, etc... Android Ratingbar displays in stars.
Listview displays group of several items that display in vertical scroller view that automatically added value using adapter.